Thursday, January 17, 2008


The blog that i've chosen is a technology blog which is simply titled 'Technology.' It's located at The blog is owned by New Scientist. There is also a link on the right hand side of the blog that says 'submit a story to .' On posts, names of the various authors are included, such as Barry Fox, who is a contributor to New Scientist magazine. This indicates some of the blog content are user-generated. This is interesting as it makes the blog even more interactive, instead of just the possibility of posting comments. I'd say that this method is highly useful and effective for the blog as there would be a greater range of stories, especially from the tech-savvy community.

This is especially so since the blog is about innovations in technology. In the blog, posts include very interesting stories like this: 'Do you ever get bored of looking at the same old keyboard? Fortunately two researchers at the Language Technologies Institute of Carnegie Mellon University have a new idea - making them invisible.' I like the blog because the stories and language used is very friendly to people who are not very tech-savvy, including me. It's so refreshing to read a technology blog without closing the window after thirty seconds because the computer language used is simply incomprehensible.

The design and layout is also very easy on the eyes. Basically, the text column is in the middle and the column is white in colour while the text is black in colour. The sides of the column are filled with black or grey colour. Using such simple yet futuristic colours enhances its whole 'technology' theme and it also beats squinting through posts in crazy colours like yellow and bright pink.

There are no information provided as to how long the blog has been operating but the earliest posts date back to September 2006. There are also no indicators as to how many viewers the blog has. It should however, be taken into consideration that since it is an online blog that is owned by the well-established magazine 'New Scientist', it should boast quite a large number of viewers as compared to personal blogs. In the FAQ section, it also says that users who are interested in complete access to all posts must subscribe. This shows that the blog itself has grown into an online enterprise.

I feel that this blog is not only important, but it's also interesting without being too 'technology genius' in its posts. This allows it to reach out to the wider audience, such as me (not a technology person, trust me). What enabled this was its interesting content and easy language. I find the posts highly interesting as they are kept short and sweet. Other interesting posts include post on the phenomenal computer game Second Life, GPS Dog Detector, any many other fancy gadgets that I've never heard of before till i visited the blog. I also have trust in the blog because it's not like a commercial blog whose posts mainly persuade the new gadgets, but the tone of the posts are kept neutral. I believe in its objectivity and also believe that the blog has acquired a new rave review.

taking things for granted,

don't. even though it's almost human nature to do so. especially in relationships. i've always though "you don't miss your water till the well runs dry" is cliche and corny. but it's so true. i'm quite a pessimistic person and i tend to pick faults rather than than seeing the good side. especially in relationships. well i learnt my lesson. and it seems like this is gonna be an rather personal post but oh well everybody's got to share some stories. so here goes.

i know i'm probably still bordering the adolescent stage with raging hormones and puppy love and all, but if you were to ask me which relationship was the most memorable so far in the course of my life, i would say that it's my second last relationship. What mattered most was that we weren't just people in love or having crushes or anything like that, we were true friends and true soul mates. it was the most special relationship that i had for the primary reason that everything was so film-sh. it was like one of those romantic chick-flicks, so scripted, so heartwarming. we had to split mainly for 2 reasons: i had to move to oz and i was being an ***hole after i moved here. it was tragic. i was so caught up with the excitement of settling and exploring a whole new culture that i no longer felt concerned by his absence. so i initiated the split.

being a true gentleman, i was forgiven for everything that i've done and it wasn't long before we both moved on. we remained friends. but my boyfriends hates the fact that we are friends, because let's admit it, no one likes their partners to remain close with their exes. So i thought since i made a tragic mistake with the last relationship i should learn from it and learn to be responsible in this one. I avoid conversation with my ex as much as possible. Be it new year sms, msn conversations, they started depleting as time goes by. Just today though, we talked on msn. I know this sounds so teenager and not grown-up, the whole cyber/virtual conversation thing, but it's still significant to me.

I saw that his display picture was with this nice-looking chick and so i probed him, as a friend, for details. Turns out that they were dating. I instantly grinned. I'm so happy for him that he's finally getting he deserves (in the positive sense). As far as I know, he is the nicest guy i've ever met on the planet, and cute too. I urged him to bring her this coming saturday for our reunion in singapore during my transit time, telling him that im so excited and i'd like to get to know her. It's true, she looks like she will treat him the right way, unlike what i did last time. But a small part of me couldnt help but feel a pang of sadness. Because i know i had my chance and i blew it. Because i know that i took him for granted and ruined our near perfect relationship. Because i know that that person in the picture could've been me. Because deep inside i know that out of all the nice people that i dated, he understood me the most, because it wasnt just romance, it was friendship and brother/sisterhood. I concede and admit that i miss him. not just him as person, but the times we shared together with our friends too.

oh well, see, you don't miss your water till your well runs dry. i've learnt to cherish more, i think.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

feminist little me!

Pornography has clearly become something that is so common nowadays, it's even become accepted by many. Guys wouldn't be normal if they don't own a porn collection or have never surfed porn. Women too are venturing into the X-rated zone that was once deemed disgusting, believe me. Many, many women. I've got girlfriends who actually rip their mates' porn collections for their own viewing [but i'm convinced none of them takes things further when watching] and for pure amusement. I can understand the whole 'perversion' thing, I really do. But only when you're single.

The other day I got to thinking, how can someone ever watch porn together with their partners to stimulate themselves? I know this is kind of gross but seriously, how can they? When you're single, watching 'P*ssy Star Wars' together with your friend(s) can certainly come off as funny and entertaining and gross at the same time, but at least it makes sense. But once attached, your mindset is bound to change completely. Somehow, somewhere along the line, porn becomes just plain sleazy, cheap recordings of random sexual activities that are carried out with no dignity nor respect. That is the hard truth.

The ones who can enjoy porn with their partners tend to be those who are extremely open about sex, obviously. Okay I know I'm giving you slabs of information you already know but I was just pointing out to make things really clear. So I thought about them and I thought of something that's so true, and so raw in any woman's heart that it'll be impossible to miss out on. How can any woman bear the thought of her man openly lusting at other naked women on x-rated videos when she knows that she has given him all of her soul and body to him? When she has stripped herself off of her dignity for him and given him everything? It says only of one thing: her man doesn't think she's enough and he thinks those porn actresses are hot with their ridiculous DD breasts. That ought to hurt any woman.

And those guys, gosh have they no shame? If I were a guy I would have enough brains to know that watching porn in front of their girlfriends, or even worse WITH their girlfriends is plain disrespectful, insensitive and definitely not a gentleman act. I'm just amazed at those girls who can bear the hurt of knowing that their men lust after other women who sell their bodies, but they satisfy their carnal appetite by utilizing their girlfriends' bodies. I mean, ouch, anyone? Personally I would be hurt of my boyfriend surfs porn when I'm not around, no matter how seldom it is. Because the act speaks for itself, he wants to perv at other girls' private parts, and THAT, speaks for itself. He doesn't want you. I think women have embraced sexual openness with a little too much more enthusiasm than needed, especially older women.

See the reason why I get so worked up with such issues is that I want women to not give away their self-respect in a bid to please their men. It's so depressing. We didn't have the feminist movement for nothing, afterall. We deserve so much more. I'm writing this to reach out to women all across the globe with the message that we should never, ever, let males and their dick-brains affect our self-worth, for we are not shallow. Okay, maybe I'm too carried away but I really feel strongly for this.

Ps. This entry is purely based on observations and is NOT personal. I promise.

i love quizzes

Let others know a little more about
yourself, re-post this as your name
followed by "ology."


Q. What is your salad dressing of
i. japanese, ceasar

Q. What is your favorite fast food
i. yoshinoya

Q. What is your favorite sit-down
i. hmmmm. ichiban boshi?

Q. On average, what size tip do you
leave at a restaurant?
i. i don't give tips! lol. how petty. unless it's a middle to high class restaurant then around 10% tip would be good

Q. What food could you eat every day
for two weeks without get sick of it?

Q. What are your pizza toppings of
i. chicken, extra cheese, italian sausage, pepperoni, NO BARBERQUE SAUCE (i'm a tomato sauce lover), and a swirl of mayo please. no bacons too.

Q. What do you like to put on your
i. peanut butter jelly baby


Q. What is your wallpaper on your
i. some nice scenery

Q. How many televisions are in your
i. 1 in the living room. how sad is that


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
i. right-handed

Q. Have you ever had anything removed
from your body?
i. not as far as i know.

Q. What is the last heavy item you
i. my dog. LOL

Q. Have you ever been knocked
i. proud to say no


Q. If it were possible, would you want
to know the day you were going to die?
i. not really, that's way disturbing

Q. If you could change your name, what
would you change it to?
i. a name that i intend to give to my future daughter(S): Kathleen or Kathrynn

Q. What color do you think looks best
on you?
i. most? lol.

Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food
item by mistake?
i. nope.

Q. Have you ever saved someone's life?
i. no, didn't chance into any such opportunities.

Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
i. yes! i can't swim and i drowned


Q. Would you kiss a member of the same
sex for $100?
i. bring it on. a kiss is only meaningless skin contact unless you have feelings for the person

Q. Would you allow one of your little
fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
i. nooooooo.

Q. Would you never blog again for
A. HAHAHAHA. Russell (my teacher) should really read this. I would say yes, unfortunately.

Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine
for $250,000?
i. for Vogue yes. For Ralph or Playboy of whatsoever trashy mags no.

Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of
hot sauce for $1000?
i. no way.

Q. Would you, without fear of
punishment, take a human life for
i. no. too scary a thought.


Q: What is in your left pocket?
A. i'm not in a pocket-providing attire.

Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a
good movie?
i. too non-commercial for me.

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in
your house?
i. carpet. did i tell you i hate vacuuming carpeted floors?

Q. Do you sit or stand in the shower?
i. i don't think i know anyone who sits in the shower.

Q: Could you live with roommates?
i. sure

Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you
i. hah. more than 10. flips flops are heaven.

Q: Last time you had a run-in with the
i. never?

Q: What do you want to be when you
grow up?
i. an heiress. HAHAHHA. so paris hilton.


Q: Last Friend you talked to?
i. badak

Q: Last person who called u?
i. suneo

Q: Person you hugged?
i. shyeron


Q: Number?
i. no favorite number whatsoever

Q: Season?
i. spring!!!


Q: Missing someone?
i. uh huh

Q: Mood?
i. half bad half good

Q: Listening to?
i. the howling wind

Q: Watching?
i. the computer screen

Q: Worrying about?
i. the lack of time


Q: First place you went this morning?
i. insearch

Q: What can you not wait to do?

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
i. i am legend

Q: Do you smile often?
i. yes

Q: Are you a friendly person?
i. most of the times.

the validity of better

If friends or boyfriends were like grapes, does that mean they are all the same? On the surface, they seem to be so. Put it this way, grapes come in bunches, and they're all round-ish in shape and sweet-tasting. So when one happens to leave your life, is it alright to just pick another one from the bunch to replace his or her position? Of course, it'd be dumb to completely rule out the possibility of finding other candidates that might fill the empty space, because the truth is; everybody needs to move on. Yet, can they truly fill the gap?

The thing is, grapes aren't just grapes. The are green seedless grapes, plain green grapes, red flame whatever seedless grapes, plain red flame whatever grapes, et cetera. That's why there are about a gazillion different wines produced from a gazillion different grapes [well, not technically]. I feel that it's the same way for friends and boyfriends. Though they do indeed gain the same status as a friend or boyfriend, they are hardly the same person. Obviously, one person can rarely connect with you emotionally and mentally similarly as another, the existence of personalities being the reason. Thus, the birth of inevitable comparisons of past, and present relationships.

There are generally a few types or relationships you can have with the opposite sex:
1) You feel like you're dating your perfect best friend or soul mate with unlimited
2) Sparks, chemistry, fatal physical attraction. Need I say more?
3) A grown-up relationship where you have to be aware of your responsibilities and
it's all about rationalizing and understanding.

Friendships are much simpler:
1) Perfect friendships
3) Regular friendships whereby you find yourself hating them sometimes but loving
them at other times
2) Fake friendships

During the process of 'moving on' I got to thinking how different are the relationships I have now compared to the past. And I found myself realizing that what I had can never be replaced. Because even though what I have and had might fall into the same category in terms of the type of relationship, 2 different people are still 2 different people. You cannot rate one as 'better' than the other because they weren't playing the same field.

If you think I'm being vague, let me provide you with examples. How many of you can actually say that the topics and the focus of your conversations with two people in past relationships are exactly the same? How many can say that the experiences you've had were identical? This was when I realized that all along we have deemed some to be 'better' than the others, but what constitutes better? What is my judgement based on anyway? Nothing, I tell you. There is simply no way to compare because different people possess different qualities, no matter good or bad. The saying we've always thought was lame is indeed true; people are special in their own ways. Another person's 'better' might be another's 'worse', mind you. Also, the memories you've shared with another person are exclusive and exquisite, only the both of you can savour them. When you think back, how festive!

When it comes to loving, lets just embrace every single bit of the package and enjoy the love, love.

my poor poor hands

i'd just like to say that my hands are the most worked out part of my body. this week alone is crazy. we have about a million assignments due and that means plentyyyyyyyyyy of typing. assignments aside, i drive and my tyres are down with the flat tyre syndrome, so my wheels are super heavy and i live in the western suburs so that pretty much equates to sore muscles every day.

my pain is aggravated by my dedication to household chores. i vacuum and mop two levels on my own, clean stacks of plates and utensils everyday, carry huge piles of dirty laundry up and down the stairs, wipe surfaces, etc. but that's not all, my friend. rosalind's in-class assignment was the last straw for me. today, i wrote a record of twelve pages worth of alphabets in three hours! i admit that i write with heavy and hard strokes so today's assignment left my right hand in a permanent state of agony.

i also have to pack for my trip back to indonesia as soon as possible but i don't see how that can be done given that typing this blog post alone is such a painful thing to do. that concludes my story of my hands and i hope you'll never be in a similar state as me now.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

try these restaurants these summer!

okay, i thought i'll do a food post to recommend some of my fave restaurants in sydney just so i can help people when they run out of ideas! here goes.

Chifley Plaza
Level 1
2 Chifley Sq
Sydney 2000 NSW
Phone: (02) 9222 9960
- Japanese cuisine, fine dining. Absolutely top of the list! You won't regret ordering anything there. Fantastic service and ambiance too!

Jimbaran Indonesian Restaurant
129 Avoca Street, Randwick.
Phone: 9398 8555
- Never tried Indonesian food? You should. The food is not as exotic as most people imagine them to be and most people are pleasantly surprised after they tried. This restaurant boasts regular Westerners patrons!

Basement Level, 12-14 O'Connell Street, Sydney
Phone: 9235-2717
- So good, so popular that you even have to place bookings during lunch time on weekdays or you'll be left queuing!

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar
447 Oxford St
Paddington 2021 NSW
Phone: (02) 9357 5055
- It's actually a cafe, and not a restaurant, but you absolutely have to try it. Chocolate fondue with two different chocolate dippings, and lots lots lots more.

Jordons Seafood Reastaurant
197 Harbourside
Darling Harbour, Sydney NSW 2000
- 4 words: must. try. seafood. tower.